Inform, Affirm, Empower, Inspire!

Inform, Affirm, Empower, Inspire!

Through the art of intention and the power of community, Magic Happens Here.

Our brand of Alchemy is characterized by genuine connections leading us to recognize our individual potential and impact on the world around us and within us. The knowledge of the collective and the collaborative efforts of continued education are our pillars. We believe we are better together, and our job is to create a healthy society by first tending to our own health, both physically and emotionally. Here at Alchemy By DeYonna, we aim to create an environment that is inviting and rejuvenating, that nurtures your vitality and reminds you of the vigor you possess.

Check our amenities, there is a service just for you!

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

-African Proverb

Each Wednesday we have a roundtable centered around growth, improvement, inspiration and support. Seats are limited for intimacy and participation.

We look forward to meeting you.

  • A brand of intentional self care that incorporates, institutes, and encourages both physical and mental wellness. Alchemy by DeYonna is based around cultivating an atmosphere that encourages actions to improve the relationships we cultivate with ourself, our families, and our community.

  • A doula is a trained professional who provides physical, emotional, and informational support. Doulas do not provide medical care but focus on providing emotional reassurance, comfort measures, and evidence-based information to help clients make informed decisions about their experiences. Their goal is to enhance the overall birthing experience, reduce stress, and promote a positive and empowering life path. Doulas support various types of births, major life transitions, grief and loss, general wellness coaching, and their services can be particularly beneficial for those seeking personalized and holistic support during various life circumstances.